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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. – James 4:8

Getting in touch with a high-profile person generally comes down to one thing… connecting with their representatives. It is cliché but that is how it works best: “Have your people call my people.”

That process is not just a joke, it is a realistic process of communication. In the spiritual world, you have been given a great gift, access to your Creator God through Jesus Christ!

As you seek to relate with God, you will naturally become aware of the distance between you and the Father. That space is the result of your sin and God’s holiness.

The good news is that God made a way to circumvent that barrier. While most religions propose a list of “things to do” to get God’s attention, He has given access to all humankind through His Son, the resurrected God-Man, Jesus Christ.

Jesus explained this plainly to His followers, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

The first step to drawing close to God is knowing His Son. There is no space between them. Christ will help you understand who you are in God’s Kingdom and how to live in God’s blessing with His help. Do not let anyone’s complicated ideas cause you to stumble in your simple faith journey with Jesus Christ. If you desire to know God, know Christ, and your desire will be fulfilled.

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