My soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Psalm 63:1

David was in exile from Jerusalem, somewhere out in the desert, following the beginning of the coup by his son Absalom. While there, his relationship with God grew as he spent more time in prayer. Doubtless, he was both physically thirsty and hungry, but somehow being absent from Jerusalem also made him need spiritual refreshment. Perhaps you’ve had experiences that nearly crushed you, leaving you feeling devastated. You can learn from King David.
What do you thirst for from God today? Do you have a hunger to be in His presence? In your being, do you hunger and thirst for the things of the Lord and His kingdom? Hiding from Absalom in a cave, David claims that the love and mercy of God are better than life itself. Later in the psalm, he says his soul will be satisfied with God alone.
On the backside of the desert, knowing his own son would kill him if he found him, David’s hungry heart is grateful for what God has already done, and for God Himself. He even manages to find joy in the midst of his anxieties, and he is satisfied. If you are discouraged today, in a desert sort of a place, read this psalm of David again. Find some part you can identify with and create your own song of joy to the Lord.