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Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord (Psalms 2, 22, 23, 80, 118, John 10, and Hebrews 7)

Writer's picture: Phillip RaimoPhillip Raimo

Currently, I’m listening to C.S. Lewis’s brilliant argument for the existence of God and Satan. Paul tells us in Romans 1 that the existence of God is so plain that we are “without excuse” if we do not believe in Him. The creation makes God obvious. The logical case for Jesus as God coming to earth and becoming fully human is not so plain - unless we look carefully. One place we must look is what the Bible said in Psalms long before Jesus came to earth. That is our study this week. What evidence do we find in the Psalms to show that God planned to send Jesus to save us? Let’s jump into our study and learn more!

I.   The Nature of Our God

A.   Read Psalm 23:1-5. Is this consistent with the general nature of kings, emperors, and leaders? (No. They are not the nourishing type. They do not set tables or have special concern for our comfort. The opposite is true. We set the table for our leaders and their comfort is our main concern.)

B.   Read John 10:14-17. Are shepherds leaders? (Of sheep.)

1.   Do you think that Jesus’ leadership is consistent with that of a shepherd?

(His life exemplifies how a shepherd who cared for his sheep would lead.)

2.   We started with King David’s psalm comparing God to a shepherd. Why would someone who was a king, and who ruled traditionally, compare his God to a shepherd? (We should immediately conclude that something is much different when it comes to our heavenly King and God.)

C.   Read Psalm 80:1-3. We read here of the “Shepherd of Israel” who is “enthroned” upon angels. Why would a shepherd be in charge of angels?

1.   Why would a shepherd in heaven restore and save humans? (All of the action words reflect what Jesus did for us. “Come to save us.” “Restore us.”

“We might be saved.”  This makes sense today in light of what Jesus did for us.)

D.   Read Genesis 46:32-34. What did the Egyptians think of shepherds? (Keil & Delitzsh commentary says the Egyptians considered shepherds to be rude and barbaric. Why? This is due to the Egyptian economy becoming increasingly based on agriculture. The orderliness of growing things as opposed to the disorder of animals roving around. On the other hand, the Finis Dake commentary notes that some “shepherd kings” ruled Egypt. Apepi, Joseph’s Pharaoh, was one of them. These shepherd kings were oppressive and the ordinary Egyptians hated them.)

II.  Abused King

A.   Read Psalm 22:6-8 and Psalm 22:12-15. Is this how you would describe a ruler? (Read Matthew 27:39-44 and John 19:34. Wile it appears that King David is talking about himself when he is in trouble, what we see in the gospels is that this is a prophecy of what would happen to Jesus. Notice how exactly it describes what is to come for Jesus.)
1.   If you were describing your coming king, would you talk about the low points in his life?  Or would you talk about the high points?
2.   Why do you think the Jewish leaders were so surprised by the way in which Messiah Jesus came?
B.   Read Psalm 118:19-23. What is the main topic of these verses?
(Salvation. Entering into righteousness.)1.   What does the repeated reference to “gate” mean? (It means the righteous have a special portal to salvation. Those who do not enter through the gate are excluded.)
2.   What is a cornerstone? (A cornerstone is the foundation of a building in that it determines the way the building is positioned.)
a.   Why would a reference to a cornerstone make any sense here? (If you have a gate, you have some sort of structure.  The cornerstone and the gate are related.)
C.   Read Acts 4:11-12 and 1 Peter 2:6-7. How does the New Testament explain the relationship between Jesus and the rejected cornerstone in Psalms 118:22. (The New Testament writers compare Jesus rejection by the Jewish leaders to the rejection of the foundation for the Christian faith.)
1.   If you were around during the writing of Psalm 118:22, would it make any sense to compare your entry into righteousness to a gate and a rejected cornerstone? (Once again, this only makes sense in light of the coming Jesus. This is a prophecy that supports the logical argument that Jesus is the foundation of our salvation. He is the gate through which we enter.)
III.     Conquering King
A.   Read Psalm 2:1-3. What is the answer to the question posed in verse one? (Verse three tells us that their motive is to remove restrains and bonds.)
1.   Is the rebellion only against the Lord? (No. Verse 2 tells us it is also against “his Anointed.” The rebellion is also against a person.)
2.   Will the rebels win? (Verse one tells us that they rage and plot “in vain.”)
3.   What do you think about the rebel view that God’s “bonds” and “cords” are harmful? How obedience to God’s law give us peace and protection.)
B.   Read Psalm 2:4-6. Why does God laugh at the rebels? (Because He will install His King in Jerusalem.)
C.   Read Psalm 2:7-8. Who is this King that God will install in Jerusalem? (His Son!)
1.   Wait a minute. Would this make any sense to someone living in David’s time? Would this be understood to be King David?  How can you be a “Son” to God?(Read 2 Samuel 7:13-16. This text in Second Samuel explicitly ties this idea to King David.)
a.   Notice that 2 Samuel 7:16 refers to the throne of David being “established forever.” Is that still true? (King David’s earthly line of decedents ended long ago.)
D.   Look again at Psalm 2:7. Since Jesus is God, can He be “begotten?” Does that confirm this text is about David and not Jesus? (Read Hebrews 1:5-8. When Jesus was born to Mary, He became “begotten.” Hebrews tells us that this “Son” is “God.”)
E.   Read Acts 13:33-34. How do these verses tie this together to prove that Psalm 2 is referring to Jesus?
F.   Read Psalm 2:9-12. We are told to “Kiss the Son.”  How do you understand that? (We have affection for Jesus. He died so that we might live. He is our Shepherd. And verse 9 says Jesus is very dangerous shepherd. For that reason verse 11 says to “rejoice with trembling.”)
1.   How would you describe “rejoice with trembling” in today’s terms?
(We are glad that Scary Guy is on our side!  The One who loves you absolutely (you kiss Him), is the One who makes His enemies tremble.)
G.   Let’s turn a corner and discuss another power prophecy about Jesus. Read Psalm 110:2-6. This statement about the coming King says that He is also a priest “after the order of Melchizedek.”
Were Israel’s kings also priests? (Never.)
H.   Read Hebrews 7:14-17. Were the priests of Israel descended from Judah? (This text says, “No.”  That would seem to exclude Jesus from being a priest.)
1.   How does Hebrews reconcile Jesus obvious lineage problem with the prophecy that He would be King-Priest after the order of Melchizedek? (This says that Jesus’ claim is based on “the power of an indestructible life,” not lineage.)
2.   Read Hebrews 7:3. What is the lineage of Melchizedek? (He has no genealogy.)
3.   Why would Genesis introduce us to a mystery King-Priest? (This anticipated Jesus coming as our King and our High Priest. It is part of the proof that Jesus is the prophesied Messiah.)I.   Friend, after these proofs will you accept Jesus as your Messiah Savior?  Will you accept Him as your King and High Priest?  Why not do that right now?



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