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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Billy Sunday

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. – Philippians 2:3

Billy Sunday was born in a log cabin during the Civil War. His father was a Union soldier who died when Billy was only a month old. At age 15, Billy worked several jobs before getting recruited to play professional baseball by pitcher and club owner, Albert Spalding, founder of Spalding Sporting Goods. Billy played for the Chicago Stockings from 1883 to 1891 and became one of the most popular athletes in the nation. In 1887, he and his teammates were walking the streets of Chicago after drinking a few beers. Billy heard an old gospel hymn sung at a street corner meeting of the Pacific Garden Mission. He began attending services and began a relationship with the Lord.

In 1889, Billy preached his first sermon as an evangelist. He went on to pioneer radio broadcasting so enthusiastically that the FCC was formed in response. During the next 46 years until his death, over 100 million people heard Billy share the gospel through the airwaves. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson even met with him. But Billy understood his greatest calling was evangelism. He once said, “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.”

When you genuinely realize how much God loves you, the greatest gift you can share with others is the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, wherever you go, consider the interests of others first. Seek opportunities to invite others to spend eternity with God.

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