Be ready and keep ready, you and all your hosts that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them. – Ezekiel 38:7
Confirmation of this exists throughout Christian history – enemies of God may defy Him, they may refuse to walk in obedience to Him, but the arms of the Lord are long. His power has proven to be superior to all Earthy powers and machinations. From the time of Israel’s exodus from Egypt through their wandering in the wilderness because of disobedience, until the present day, the judgment of God comes eventually. There will also be trials and tribulation, but the Lord consistently shows that He is in control.
Ezekiel prophesied to Israel through visions from God. Today’s verse references a time when armies joined together thinking it would be easy to overtake Israel and their land. They never expected the Lord Jehovah to wreak the havoc upon them that He did with an earthquake, hailstones, fire, and brimstone. The message to Israel was this: Be ready for the fight, be prepared to move as God directs, but look to see how God will display His power before the nations. The Lord is the judge of all those who disregard His holiness and clings unrepentantly to their sinful ways.
Take a lesson from this… seek the Lord’s guidance on how to ready yourself. Prepare yourself for His coming by kneeling before Him humbly with a contrite heart. Stay strong in your faith through evil may seem to prosper for a time.