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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Are You Rapture Ready

WWIII. The world won't see peace until the Millenial Kingdom when Jesus will establish Himself as King for 1,000 years to reign over all nations.

The next two big prophetic events prior to this are the Rapture of the Chuch and then the 7-year tribulation.

Come to Jesus!!

If not now, when!!

Look around you! This is the time to get saved!!

You must discern the time that we're living in!

Jesus loves you and wants to save you from what's about to come and from an eternity in a real place without His presence - called Hell.

The moment you tell Jesus that you are in need of Him and repent – the moment you put your faith and trust in Him, you're saved, justified by His blood, sealed until the day of redemption, and rapture ready!!!

The Holy Spirit will guide you!! He will be your best friend, He will help you! Don't be afraid!!

Just Come as you are, He's been waiting for you! Come to Jesus NOW!! Don't put it off, it could be too late!

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