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Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

Another Left Behind Letter

It's time!! Get your Bibles out and leave behind letters in a visible place! Pray over them, asking God to use them to bring people to salvation, giving them peace, comfort, strength, and courage, so they can endure until the end!

A letter to the left behind:

This is a letter I took from, but made a few changes. You can access the full letter right here: Feel free to copy it, make it your own, and leave several copies in a visible place!

These are some excerpts of the letter.


As you read this letter, we can only imagine the fear and despair you face, for this is being written for reading only after the disappearance of God’s people from the earth.

The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you have been left behind!

You are no doubt stunned, shocked, afraid, and remorseful. Consider what I have to say here, as instructions for life following Christ’s rapture of His Church – which is what has happened.

Anyone you know or knew who had placed their trust in Christ alone for salvation has been taken to Heaven by Christ. Let us show you from the Bible exactly what has happened.

By now, you won't need this proof because you will have experienced the most shocking event in history.

But as this letter was written beforehand, and we are confident that we will be gone, ask yourself, how did we know? Here's how from

1 Corinthians 15:51-57—this is what the apostle Paul wrote to the Christians at the church in the city of Corinth: “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed – in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written:`Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?’ The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Let's paraphrase some of that so you’ll understand it clearly.

When Paul says we shall not all sleep, he means that we shall not all die. And he’s saying that this corruptible being (mortal human being) must put on an incorruptible body that is to last for all of eternity.

When these things have happened when the Christians who have already died -- and those that are still living to receive their immortal bodies, the rapture of the church will have taken place.

Every person who believed with all their hearts and accepted the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has anticipated His glorious return for them. And as you read this letter, you can be assured that these believers have already seen the fulfillment of Christ’s promise when He said: “I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”

We believe that all such people were literally taken from the earth, leaving everything material behind. If you have discovered that millions of people are missing and that babies and children have vanished, you know what we are saying is true.

Up to a certain age, which is probably different for everyone. We believe God may not hold a child accountable for a decision that must be made with heart and mind, fully understanding the ramifications.

You may also find that unborn children have disappeared from their mother’s wombs. We can only imagine the pain and heartache of a world without precious children and the deep despair of parents who will miss them so much.

Paul’s prophetic letter to the Corinthians said this would occur in the twinkling of an eye. You may have seen a loved one standing before you suddenly disappear. We don’t envy you in that shock. And you now know of the chaos that will result from Christians disappearing from various modes of transportation, with the loss of firefighters and police officers, and emergency workers of all sorts. Cars will drive off of roads and planes will fall from the sky. There will be such wreckage that it may take weeks or even months in some areas to clean up the initial disasters caused by Christ’s rapture of the Church.

Depending on when you’re reading this letter, you may have already found that martial law is in effect in many places, emergency measures trying to keep evil elements of society from looting and fighting over the spoils of what is left.

Governments will tumble and there will be international disorder.

You may wonder why this has happened. Some believe this is the judgment of God on an ungodly world. Actually, His judgment will come upon the Earth following the rapture. Strange as this may sound to you, this judgment is God’s final effort to get the attention of every person who has ignored or rejected Him.

He is allowing a 7-year period of trial and tribulation to come to those of you who remain. He has removed His Church from a corrupt world that seeks its own way, its own pleasures, and its own ends.

The Bible tells us that God's Holy Spirit through His Church has acted as a restrainer on evil. We know the Holy Spirit is in His children (believers) and they are now gone. Without this restraint, evil is unleashed. Demonic forces at war with Heaven are freely roaming on the planet, as God has removed His hand and said in effect, "If you don't want Me in the world, try it your own way."

We believe God’s purpose in this is to allow those who remain to take a look at themselves and leave their frantic search for pleasure and self-fulfillment, and turn to the Bible for truth and to Christ for salvation.

We want to encourage and assure you that your loved ones, your children and infants, your friends, and your acquaintances have not been snatched away by some evil force, some invasion from outer space disappeared into a parallel dimension, etc...

Television, radio, and the internet will be flooded with theories. What sounded ludicrous to you before might sound logical now, but it is not. Even if evidence, such as video or audiotapes shows that your loved ones are indeed alive and either on some form of space station or on some other planet, you can be sure that this evidence is fabricated by those who have come to power following the disappearance of Christ’s Church.

With that said, we want to warn you personally to beware of a leader who will come to power. He will be a very charismatic man who will bring peace out of the chaos that will follow the rapture.

People will be very afraid and will pull together to defend against the ensuing chaos and will be desperate for some world leader to protect and provide. The one source of protection and provision is the Lord God Almighty through His Son Jesus Christ the Messiah (Rescuer).

The world will look for a person. The answer is in no other name, but Jesus Himself. This world leader will likely arise from obscurity to become a world leader – similar to Hitler’s rise from obscurity. One of his first tasks will be to sign some sort of peace agreement with the nation of Israel – God’s chosen people. This agreement will be for a period of 7 years.

Just as the agreement terms change frequently with all the online retailers, the agreement will change and in order to purchase anything people will have to take a mark of some sort on either their foreheads or right hands. We’ve already seen many gas stations and stores emerging with a very similar system. This mark will include the number 666 in some form – whether as a barcode tattoo, RFID, NFID implant, or some other variation. Anyone taking this mark will be forever separating themselves from God’s gift of salvation.

Whatever you do, even unto physical death and torture, do not allow this mark to come upon you or your family/friends. If you take this mark, you will be forever separated from God. The mark is the ultimate and final rejection of God and the mercy and grace He offers, so do not take this mark.

Pay very careful attention when TWO WITNESSES appear in Jerusalem in defiance of this wicked world leader (Rev:11).

These two men are prophets, and they will speak justly in judgment against the world. They will be dressed in sackcloth, which will make identifying them easier. They will also have miraculous powers. Listen carefully to these two men and do not disobey them because they are from God.

There will be also 144,000 Jews who are sealed (Rev:7 and 14). They will have special protection from God. Their mission will be to evangelize and proclaim the gospel during this shocking period of time. Millions will come to Christ because of them! Pay special attention to them. Hear them out! Believe what they are saying because they are appointed for this time - to save you!

There will also be three angels flying in the midst of heaven (Rev:14).

The first one will preach the everlasting gospel,

the second one will warn about the falling of Babylon (beast system), and

the third one will warn the world to not worship the beast and not to take his mark. Whoever does it will seal their destiny, and they will go to hell.

It doesn’t make any difference, at this point, why you’re still on Earth. You may have been too selfish or prideful or busy, or perhaps you simply didn’t take the time to examine the claims of Christ for yourself. The point now is you have another chance – DON'T MISS IT!!!

Recognize and acknowledge to God and before men that Jesus is God's Son and the only way to Heaven. He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again, just like the scriptures say and He did it to give you a new heart and a new life.

It is now our prayer that you be strengthened and guided by His Holy Spirit during the cataclysmic events that are about to unfold throughout the world. Trust in God and know that He will guide you through all of this and give you strength and everything that you need.

Remember, this is everyone’s last chance to escape eternal separation from God and His love. Like you, others will be searching for answers to what is happening in every family, in every city, in every country on Earth. You have the answer!

Study the Bible, go to the book or Revelation.

But if you have come to know and trust Him then shine like a righteous light before men! Stand strong if you are required to give your mortal life for the sake of Christ. Remember that the moment you close your eyes on this life you will open them again in the presence of Jesus Himself.

Eternity with Him is an eternity more than the few short years left here. Endure it with joy, sharing your faith always! He and all of your missing loved ones and acquaintances will be waiting to greet you and welcome you into the Kingdom of Heaven.

We do not share any of these terrible things with you to scare you or to cause you to despair, but to awaken you to the reality you now face and to cause you to stop placing your hope and trust in this world and life. Let go of your life and trust in the Lord God, so that you may be forgiven and saved for all eternity.

We can also assure and promise you that only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can save you. You must place your faith in Him and obey His commands.

Do not take the mark on your forehead or right hand, and do not harden your heart towards God. Believe in God, His Son, and in His blood - and do all that you can love and protect those who also believe in Him, including the Jews who are much loved by God.

We pray salvation over you and your family, may the peace of God be with all of you, giving you strength, comfort, and courage, until the end!!

~ In Jesus’ Name, Amen! ~

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