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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo

All Things Through Christ

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13

Circumstances can be overwhelming. Very few people have escaped the impact of the past year. Most have experienced some kind of hurt, loss, pain, fear, worry, uncertainty, loneliness, or hopelessness – the intensity of which has at times been difficult to face. It may seem as though circumstances have taken over. However, the Lord says that in all circumstances, He is working for your good! He is the Master of your circumstances.

God is doing transformative work within you, helping you develop endurance and strength of character, giving you confidence in the hope of His salvation, growing you into spiritual maturity so that you might be complete in Him, not lacking anything. He is ultimately working in your circumstances to make you more like Jesus.

It is time to know that, through Christ, you can rise above your circumstances. When you feel overwhelmed, look to Him to lift you up. See every storm, every difficult situation, every pain, as a move in which He will bring about your good and His glory. View each as an opportunity to offer Him praise for bringing you through, for teaching, and for maturing you. Pray for those believers in government who have been facing discouragement, that they might reach out to the Lord for the strength and confidence they need.

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