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  • Writer's picturePhillip Raimo


Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and truth.

1 John 3:18

A superficial reading of today’s verse could lead you to think, “Oh yes, I need to do some good deeds today to show my love for God.” While good deeds may show that you love the Lord, action alone does not take into account the Scripture that precedes this verse and the obligations associated with it.

Who are the children of God and what makes them so special? It is the truth they know about their Savior and the truth that lives within them.

One truth is that God loves all people – they are made in His image – and believers are to reflect the love for them that God has. Christ came from the glories of Heaven to live among sinners, and He showed His great love for people by dying on the cross to save them all.

Bible commentator Matthew Henry wrote: “A world so beloved of God should accordingly be loved by us. And this love will exert itself in earnest desires and prayers… for their salvation.” In addition to kind words that give comfort, kind actions show that the truth is in you. “By this, we know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him” (1 John 3:19).

The Lord has blessed you with His love, and because you know the Truth, and He lives within you, you are to love as He loves. And He has blessed you so you can be a blessing to those around you.

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