Phillip Raimo
Aug 21, 202419 min read
As you read this letter, we can only imagine the fear and despair you face, for this is being written for reading only AFTER the disappearance of God’s people from the earth. The fact that you are reading this letter indicates that you have been left behind!
You are no doubt stunned, shocked, afraid, and remorseful. We would like you to consider what we have to say here, as instructions for life following Christ’s rapture of His Church — which is what has happened.
Anyone you knew who placed their trust in Christ alone for salvation has been taken to Heaven by Him. Let us show you from the Bible exactly what has happened. By now, you won't need this proof because you will have experienced the most shocking event in history.
But as this letter was written beforehand, and we are confident that we will be gone, ask yourself: how did we know? Here's how from
1 Corinthians 15:51-57—this is what the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians at the church in the city of Corinth:
“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed – in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written:
`Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?’ The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Let's explain some of that so you'll understand it clearly. When Paul says, "We shall not all sleep," he means that we shall not all die. He is stating that this corruptible being (mortal human being) must put on an incorruptible body that will last for all eternity.
When this happens, the Christians who have died in Christ—along with those who are still living—will receive their immortal bodies and will be able to enter heaven, marking the rapture of the Church.
Every person who believed with ALL their hearts and accepted the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ has anticipated His glorious return for them. As you read this letter, you can be assured that these believers have already seen the fulfillment of Christ’s promise when He said: “I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” John 14:3
We believe that ALL God’s people were taken from the earth, leaving everything material behind. If you have noticed that millions of people are missing and that babies and children have vanished, you know what we are saying is true.
Up to a certain age, which may vary for everyone, we believe that God may not hold a child accountable for a decision that requires heart and mind, fully understanding the ramifications. That’s why babies and children have been taken.
You may also find that unborn children have disappeared from their mothers’ wombs. We can only imagine the pain and heartache of a world without precious children and the deep despair of parents who will miss them dearly.
Paul’s prophetic letter to the Corinthians states that this will occur in the twinkling of an eye. You may have witnessed a loved one standing before you suddenly disappear. We don’t envy you for experiencing that shock.
And now you understand the chaos that will ensue from Christians disappearing instantly from various modes of transportation, resulting in the loss of firefighters, police officers, and emergency workers of all kinds. Cars will veer off roads, trains will derail, and planes will fall from the sky.
Hospitals and clinics would be overwhelmed with injuries from accidents and emotional distress, facing shortages of medical staff and supplies. The resulting wreckage will be so extensive that it may take weeks or even months in some areas to clean up the initial disasters caused by Christ’s rapture of the Church.
Depending on when you’re reading this letter, you may have already discovered that martial law is in effect in many places, with emergency measures implemented to prevent people from looting and fighting over the remnants of what is left.
Governments would struggle to maintain order. With many leaders and officials gone, there could be coups, uprisings, and general instability, forcing martial law. Law enforcement and emergency services would be overwhelmed, resulting in increased crime, riots, and civil unrest.
National and global security would be at risk. With military personnel disappearing and defense systems compromised, the threat of conflicts and wars could increase as nations take advantage of the chaos.
The economy most likely will plunge as key workers vanish, causing industries and services to come to a standstill. Stock markets will crash due to uncertainty and panic selling.
You may wonder why this has happened. Some believe this is the judgment of God on an ungodly world. In reality, His judgment will come upon the Earth FOLLOWING the rapture. Strange as this may sound to you, this judgment is God’s final effort to capture the attention of every person who has ignored or rejected Him.
He is allowing 7 years of trial and tribulation to come upon those who remain. He has removed His Church from a corrupt world that seeks its own way, its own pleasures, and its ends.
The Bible tells us that God's Holy Spirit, through His Church, has acted as a restrainer of evil. We know the Holy Spirit resides in His children (believers), and now we are gone. Without this restraint, evil is unleashed. Demonic forces at war with Heaven are freely roaming the planet, as God has removed His hand and effectively said, "If you don't want Me in the world, try it your way."
We believe God’s purpose in this is to allow those who remain to examine themselves, abandon their frantic search for pleasure and self-fulfillment, and turn to the Bible for TRUTH and to Christ for SALVATION.
We want to encourage and assure you that your loved ones—your children, infants, friends, and acquaintances—have NOT been snatched away by some evil force, an invasion from outer space, or disappeared into a parallel dimension. Television, radio, and the internet will be flooded with theories.
What may have sounded ludicrous to you before might seem logical now, but it is not. Even if evidence, such as video or audio recordings, shows that your loved ones are alive and either on some form of space station or another planet, you can be certain that this evidence is fabricated by those who have come to power following the disappearance of Christ’s Church. Your loved ones are in heaven, in the presence of God!
With that being said, we want to personally warn you to beware of a leader who will come to power. Out of this chaos, the Antichrist will rise and be revealed. He will be a very charismatic man who will promise to bring peace and order out of this confusion. People will be desperate for a world leader who can protect, bring order back to this world, and provide a peaceful solution for this shaken world, and he will appear to be the perfect one.
I need you to understand this: THE ONLY true source of protection and provision is the Lord God Almighty through His Son, Jesus Christ the Messiah—the Rescuer. While the world scrambles for human solutions, the truth is there’s no other name but Jesus. He is the answer you need right now, and He has always been the answer in your life but you didn’t see it, and that’s why you are still here.
This world leader will arise from obscurity amidst the chaos, much like Hitler did during his rise to power.
One of his first tasks will be to sign a peace agreement with the nation of Israel—God’s chosen people—for seven years, this will be the marker of the beginning of the 7-year-tribulation.
World leaders have been trying for years to get this treaty signed and put into action to divide God's covenant land of Israel. Bible prophecy teaches that this man will accomplish what no other man has been able to achieve.
He will order the rebuilding of the third temple in Jerusalem and permit the Jewish people to resume their ancient sacrifices. A few years of false "peace" will ensue.
This peace will also manifest within the world’s churches as he consolidates all of Earth’s religions into a one-world religion.
A great time of famine will then begin on Earth. Even in countries that have never experienced mass starvation, there will be very little to eat and drink. These days will become so dire that it will take an entire day's wages to feed just one person.
After Fukushima, gold prices fell as people sought liquidity. Don’t think gold and silver will save you - TRUST IN THE LORD!
The droughts, ecological devastation, and animal deaths will soar.
With the chaos and fear of more mass disappearances, people will huddle together, wanting to account for those who are missing, manage colossal problems related to ownership and title, and seize property to pay for the ensuing economic collapse. They will seek to identify any "alien" intruders and eliminate identity theft related to managing massive global bank defaults. This evil leader will also organize the world’s currencies into a single form of commerce.
After 3 and 1/2 years of false peace, he will stop the Jewish sacrifices while in the Jerusalem Temple and break his promise of peace with the nation of Israel. This will usher 3 and 1/2 years of unprecedented war and turmoil, unlike anything the world has ever seen or will ever see again.
The plagues on the earth, up to this mid-point, have been unspeakably horrific. You haven't seen anything yet and the last 30-45 days will be ferocious as the earth prepares for the return of Jesus Christ, THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH, WHO WILL RULE WITH AN IRON SCEPTER AND ON HIS THIGH IS WRITTEN THE NAME "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS".
The Earth and its resources will become so depleted that only with the return of Christ at the end of the second 3 and 1/2 years would anyone on the Earth have hope to still be alive.
During this midpoint, the Antichrist will sit in the third temple, speak blasphemies against God, proclaim himself as God, and force everyone to worship him and receive his mark—the mark of the beast.
The Jewish people who initially received him as the Messiah will realize at that moment that they have been deceived, and their persecution will begin. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
The Antichrist will unleash his fury against the Jewish people, starting a widespread and brutal campaign of persecution. Jesus warned about this time in Matthew 24:15-22, telling those in Judea to flee to the mountains because the danger and suffering would be unlike anything seen before.
The Antichrist, driven by Satan, will incite the entire world against the Jewish people, and as the persecution worsens, Jews will have to flee for their lives, seeking refuge in the wilderness. Revelation 12:6 describes a woman, symbolizing Israel, fleeing into the wilderness where God will protect her for 1,260 days, or about three and a half years. Some think this could be a specific place, like Petra in modern-day Jordan, where a remnant of Jews might find safety.
This hatred will be equally directed toward all who have become Christians at this time and anyone who doesn’t want to worship him.
He will make many promises that he will not keep. At this point, you must trust ONLY in the promises of God Almighty through His Son, Jesus Christ.
To purchase anything, people will be required to receive his mark on either their foreheads or right hands.
The Bible tells us that this mark will include the number 666 in some form – whether as a barcode tattoo, RFID, NFID implant, or some other variation. Anyone taking this mark will be forever damned separating themselves from God’s gift of salvation and going straight to hell upon death.
Revelation 13:16-18
REMEMBER: Whatever you do, even unto physical death and torture, do not allow this mark to come upon you or your family or friends. If you take this mark, you will be forever separated from God. The mark is the ultimate and final rejection of God and the mercy and grace He offers, so do not take this mark. Revelation 14:9-11
This mark will change your DNA, making you no longer 100% human and, therefore, unredeemable. The blood of Christ will not save you at this point. By taking this mark, you are effectively declaring that your hope is in the Antichrist and the One World Government, rather than in the One True God who made the earth, sky, sea, and universe. Those who refuse the mark will be arrested and likely put to death. Endure this with the knowledge that it was foretold before it happened — and the same God who predicted this will be awaiting your arrival in the kingdom of Heaven if you are forced to endure physical death.
Beheading (Revelation 14:9-11) appears to be the preferred method of execution. “Sorrow may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning” Psalm 30:5. Trust in the Lord!!!
During these times the earth will be undergoing great disruption. The book of Revelation describes some horrific times through a series of judgments. More than one-third of the world's population of 8 billion people will die. Meteors, earthquakes, what may be nuclear disasters, war, famine, and many others.
This is no time to mess around with indecision!! This leader will receive some form of a mortal wound to his head and will be declared to be dead. However, he will recover and dramatically change the world scene. He will disband the one-world church and will declare himself to be god. He is NOT! He has forced everyone to take the mark by lying to you, but he is the father of lies.
Pay very careful attention when TWO WITNESSES appear in Jerusalem in defiance of this wicked world leader (Revelation:11). These two men are prophets, and they will speak justly in judgment against the world. They will be dressed in sackcloth, which will make identifying them easier. They will also have miraculous powers. Listen carefully to these two men and do not disobey them because they are from God.
There will also be 144,000 Jews who are sealed (Revelation 7 and 14). They will have special protection from God. Their mission will be to evangelize and proclaim the gospel during this shocking period.
Millions will come to Christ because of them! Pay special attention to them. Hear them out! Believe what they are saying because they are appointed for this time —TO SAVE YOU!
There will also be three angels flying in heaven (Revelation:14). The first one will preach the everlasting gospel, the second one will warn about the falling of Babylon (beast system), and the third one will warn the world to not worship the beast and not to take his mark. Whoever takes it will seal their destiny and go to hell. You will be warned about the mark of the beast and its consequences before you take it.
Those who choose to take it will do so knowingly, not by mistake or misinformation.
It doesn’t make any difference, at this point, why you’re still on earth. You may have been too selfish, prideful, or busy, or perhaps you simply didn’t take the time to examine the claims of Christ for yourself. The point now is you have another chance — DON'T MISS IT!!!
There is a difference between believing in God with your head as opposed to believing with your heart. You must believe with both.
You may know about Him in your head, but when you look in the rear-view mirror of your life, did it make any difference in how you lived? God said that those who are His would become like Him. (Romans 8:29).
Of course, many professing Christians will say none of this is true, in attempts to rationalize their theology, beliefs, and lifestyle. Their way is the road to hell.
The disappearance of the saints and children, the chaos left behind, and the despairing of the heartbroken are evidence that what we're saying is true. Pray that God will help you. Receive His gift of salvation right now.
Resist the lies and efforts of the Antichrist, who is sure to rise up soon. Remember, he will deceive many. Don’t be counted among them. Bible prophecy is history written in advance. We urge you to READ THE BIBLE and seek out people who are experts in this area, yet for some reason did not put their whole trust in the blood of Jesus, relying instead on themselves, and were left behind. Study so you’ll know what is coming and you can be prepared. Get a paper Bible and start reading it. Most Bible apps or online Bibles will soon be taken down. Find a Bible and hold onto it, as it will become your most precious possession during this time.
No matter what you do, it may not be enough to be fully prepared. Pray and help each other. Be generous. There is no fear in love, for God is love. We should never make decisions out of fear.
Philippians 4:4-9 reminds us that there is no life in reliving your sins or wallowing in fear. There is life in completely acknowledging that we are sinners and that we don’t deserve His grace — but we still receive it because it is His love for us—dying on the cross in our place, carrying our sins while He was Blameless and Holy. When you put those two opposite truths together in one thought, great praise, service, and faith come forth, and you will know what to do.
God wants to forgive your sins and assure you of Heaven. Listen to
Ezekiel 33:11: “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live.”
Many will ask how God can be good to allow this horror.
This is the wrong question. The question is why did He put up with our complete depravity for so long and why even today does He continue to slowly turn up the heat and the speed of His judgment, longing for all people to repent and come to faith? Why did He create us? Why did He put up with this? Why has He endured our rebellion, hatred, apathy, and slander for 6,000 years? Why did He allow for the torture and murder of His sinless Son to save us? Why? — because He wants to share Himself. He is Love. Love shares. He has been sharing Himself for six millennia though mankind has largely rejected Him.
Listen! Faith is acknowledging that the One God is the Three-In-One Father-Son-and-Holy-Spirit and submitting yourself to His Lordship, trusting in Christ's atonement for your sins.
He freely offers you forgiveness, pardon, and eternal life if you look to Him (John 3:14- 15).
We are not saved by what we do, but by who He is. We’re saved by grace through faith —but here you have to endure until the end. Saving faith as described in the Bible is not passive. It is active, ongoing, and relational. It perseveres even when you make a mistake. It is willing to endure to the end, not denying the free salvation found in Jesus Christ. When you know who you are without Him– a sinner –and know that He is HOLY HOLY HOLY and that you should never be granted an audience with Him, except at the coming judgment to hell, then no one will be able to hold you back from obeying once you understand the mercy and grace He has extended to you.
Our problem is that we elevate ourselves and denigrate Him.
If you accept God’s message of salvation, His Holy Spirit will come into you and make you spiritually born anew. You don’t need to understand all of this theologically. You can become a child of God by praying to Him and receiving Him right now. Recognize and acknowledge to God and before men that Jesus is God's Son and the only Way to Heaven. He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again, just like the scriptures say and He did it to give you a new heart and a new life. Acknowledge in your heart that He alone is your provision for sin. If you do this and hold onto your hope then you will be saved, born again, and become a child of God.
It is now our prayer that you be strengthened and guided by His Holy Spirit during the cataclysmic events that are about to unfold throughout the world.
Trust in God and know that He will guide you through all of this and give you strength and everything that you need.
Remember, this is everyone’s last chance to escape eternal separation from God and His love. Like you, others will be searching for answers to what is happening in every family, in every city, in every country on Earth. You have the answer! Study the Bible, go to the book of Revelation.
As best we can understand, without salvation, upon death, you will be sent to Hades, where you will wait for the completion of the seven-year tribulation and the subsequent 1,000-year millennial period when Christ returns to Earth and reigns over the nations on this earth from the throne of David in Jerusalem.
Once the Millennial Reign is over, all who are dead or alive but unsaved will stand before God at 'The Great White Throne Judgment.' On this dreadful day, everyone who is not morally perfect and has rejected the gift of salvation in Christ will be cast into hell, which is the lake of fire. We believe that judgment will be fair. We don't expect that God will be malicious in any way, but He will be just and fair.
John 10:9-10: "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
John 3:16-17: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."
But if you have come to know and trust Him then SHINE like a righteous light before men! Stand strong if you are required to give your mortal life for the sake of Christ. Remember that the moment you close your eyes on this life you will open them again in the presence of Jesus Himself.
Eternity with Him is more than the few short years left here. Endure it with joy, sharing your faith always! He and all of your missing loved ones and acquaintances will be waiting to greet you and welcome you into the Kingdom of Heaven.
We do not share any of these terrible things with you to scare you or to cause you to despair, but to awaken you to the reality you now face and to cause you to stop placing your hope and trust in this world and life. Let go of your life and trust in the Lord God, so that you may be forgiven and saved for all eternity.
Seven Seals: 1/4 of the world’s population dies. (Revelation 6)
1. The White Horse (The rise of the Antichrist/false peace).
2. The Red Horse (War).
3. The Black Horse (Drought/Famine/Economic disaster).
4. The Pale Horse (Plague/Disease).
5. Martyrdom of those who refuse to worship the beast (The Tribulation saints’ massacre).
6. A massive earthquake reshapes the earth.
7. Silence in Heaven.
Seven Trumpets: 1/3 of the world’s population dies. (Revelation 8-11)
1. Hail and fire mixed with blood.
2. A great mountain cast into the sea.
3. Wormwood — a meteor that poisons a third of the drinking water.
4. A third of the sun, moon, and stars darkened (great cold and darkness)
5. First Woe (Those who accept the mark suffer under a plague of demonic locusts).
6. Second Woe (one-third of mankind killed by a demon army).
7. Third Woe (Lightning, Voices, Thunder, an Earthquake, and Great Hail.)
Seven Vials/Bowls (Revelation 16)
1. Grievous Sores on those who take the mark of the beast.
2. The rest of the seas turn to blood.
3. Rivers and fountains turned to blood.
4. Great heat.
5. Great darkness over the earth.
6. The Euphrates River dries up.
7. A Massive earthquake and vast earth changes.
At the end of the seven-year tribulation, there will be a final battle—the Battle of Armageddon. On that day, Jesus will descend from heaven, during His second coming, followed by the Lord's army (God's people, His Church), to destroy the armies of the enemy in the winepress of His fury. After this, He will judge the nations and establish His Kingdom here on earth for 1,000 years.
If you have laid down your life for Him or survived this perilous time, rest assured that you will enter His Millennial Kingdom, sharing in His reign and glory. All tribulation saints, those who died for Him, are expected to have a significant role in the Millennial Kingdom, enjoying the blessings and rewards of their faithfulness. After this intense period, He will wipe every tear from your eyes, you shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike you, nor any heat. YOU WILL BE RESTORED!
Rev 7:9-17: “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!” All the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, 12 saying:
“Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom,
Thanksgiving and honor and power and might,
Be to our God forever and ever.
13 Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, “Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?”
14 And I said to him, “Sir, you know.”
So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 Therefore they are before the throne of God and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. 16 They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; 17 for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
The only good path for you that does not end in destruction is to place your faith in the God of the Bible, who is the God of Israel. Do not be ashamed of Him and do not harden your heart towards Him. He loves you and wants to save you, but He will not tolerate evil and rebellion. May God richly bless you, guide you, and strengthen you through the trials and judgments that are being poured out on the earth.
May He make His light shine through you into a world He desperately wants to reconcile with Himself.
May you be a great soul winner in these final days of His harvest, and may you be rejoined by your loved ones as soon as His will permits.
Again, I want to remind you about the two witnesses clothed in sackcloth in Jerusalem who will soon appear to preach the truth of God and to proclaim judgment against the evil in the world, and the evil of the antichrist. You must listen to them and heed all that they say as well as the 144,000 Jews and the 3 angels that will appear to guide people to salvation.
We have tried to tell you about all that has happened or will soon happen according to the Bible, but as imperfect people, it is possible that we may have misunderstood some aspects of this. What we can assure you of, without any doubt, is that the recent disappearance of people from the planet was the rapture of the Church.
We can also assure you that only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can save you. You must place your faith in Him and obey His commands. Do not take the mark on your forehead or right hand, and do not harden your heart toward God. Believe in God, His Son, and in His blood, and do all that you can to love and protect those who also believe in Him, including the Jews, who are much loved by God.